Bring Lori Back

Why your story is important

Centropa was founded as an oral history institute and we know the value of preserving stories--for ourselves and future generations.

All of our Israeli friends—teachers and students alike—have been living through a terrible trauma, and we want to stand with you. That’s why we created this uploadable portal for you to share your stories, your thoughts, and your hopes with us—and with our network of teachers and students around the world.

Feel free to write in Hebrew or in English, and keep in mind: you’re writing this for yourselves, for the rest of our network and for your grandchildren, who are not yet born.

Share your story

Are you a teacher or a student?

About you

Although we’d like to know a few personal details, we will never publish them anywhere.

At the completion of this project, we will donate everyone’s stories to the National Library of Israel.

This is only detail we will publish alongside your story.

Please tell us under what name we can publish your story. It can be your full name, or just a nickname -- it's entirely up to you how much you want to share.

  • Your first name (e.g. "Yahel")
  • Your first name, age, and city (e.g. "Yonat, 35, Tel-Aviv")
  • A nickname
Where are you from in Israel?
Please check this box if you recently had to relocate.
Where are you now
If you had to relocate, where are you living now?
Are any of your close relatives serving in the army?
Active duty


Where do you teach?
What subjects?

About your studies

Where do you study?
Which year do you expect to finish your studies.
What languages do you speak and/or study?
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